Big success with my small business!
Bayer Feinwerk's PRALINEN-FIX will end the era of your time consuming manual chocolate fillings. Using PRALINEN-FIX you will be able to fill up to 100 pralines per minute. This can turn any small bakery or confectionery into a lucrative "chocolate factory".
Small invention-big impact
Handmade chocolates and chocolate truffels, directly from the production. This is possible, even for every small bakery or cake shop. Here we will show you, how your local business can take a stand in the market and how you can establish a sweet and lucrative additional income for yourself.
Statistics say, that more than 400 German bakerys are forced to close down each year. Some 60 years ago there were 55.000 bakerys, today we count less than 14.000, among them a lot of industrial bakerys with numerous branches. This has put many small bakerys in a situation, where they face a daily struggle for survival. If you are also facing this problem on a daily basis and if you do not only want to survive but to grow and improve you will have to bridge a gap in the market. A very attractive market gap could be the production of handmade fine chocolates, which just experienced a remarkable revolution.
Until now, the production of handmade chocolates did not only take time but also skill, patience and confindence. PRALINEN-FIX, a small but powerful innovention by bayer Feinwerk solves this problem. Say goodbye to time-consuming and costly working processes. With PRALINEN-FIX you can fill up to 100 chocolates per minute! And still every sweet piece is handmade and therefore from your own chocolate factory.
Contact us!
bayer Feinwerk GmbH & Co.KG
Max-Planck-Straße 49
78052 VS-Villingen
Fon: 07721 9506-0