For bakers and confectioners who love fine chocolates!

bayer Feinwerk: Inventions are our philosophy.

PRALINEN-FIX is an invention by bayer Feinwerk in Villingen-Schwenningen. bayer's innovative solutions have already lead many clients to success. The place is characterised by a competent personnel, team spirit and passion at work. This charisma convinces customers. 


"We at bayer concentrate on creating and producing technical solutions for manual problems. These solutions should be easy to handle and offer an additional benefit to our clients. PRALINEN-FIX is that kind of invention. It turns the hard manual work into a semi-automatic process. It often appears as a engineering marvel to the user."

Uwe Heiter, Technischer Geschäftsführer bayer Feinwerk und Erfinder von PRALINEN-FIX


"We at bayer want to offer a true additional benefit to our clients. PRALINEN-FIX made that possible. Not only small bakerys and confectioneries but also local productions can now develop a market that offers basically unlimited possibilities in terms of economy. With PRALINEN-FIX, a small bakery around the corner can turn into an exclusive chocolate factory."

Wolfgang Breinlinger, Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer bayer Feinwerk

bayer Feinwerk GmbH & Co.KG  |  Max-Planck-Straße 49  |  78052 VS-Villingen  |  Telefon: 07721 9506-0  |  n-bx+fDf-f7m+u2y+fr28ej67fSx+-o@nospam