For bakers and confectioners who love fine chocolates!

PRALINEN-FIX is not only a filling machine for chocolates. It also comes as your chance of a good stroke of business!

For over a thousand bakerys, cafés, confectioneries, hotels and trade chains PRALINEN-FIX already appears as their key to success. But the market can carry some more chocolate manufacturers.

Homemade chocolates are trendy and profitable, especially for a small, local business. By specialising on chocolates you do not only please your regular customers but furthermore evolve into an attraction pole for all chocolate lovers. This is how PRALINEN-FIX becomes a growth engine for smaller chocolate factories.

bayer Feinwerk GmbH & Co.KG  |  Max-Planck-Straße 49  |  78052 VS-Villingen  |  Telefon: 07721 9506-0  |  A2ptZWxDYWJ6ZnEuZWZqbXRmcWgtZ2Y@nospam