For bakers and confectioners who love fine chocolates!

Your customers will love you!

Made in Germany


PRALINEN-FIX, is the only semi-automatic machine for filling chocolates existing. It is produced accurately in manual construction and every part is made of high quality steel. After 13 years in which we sold over 10.000 PRALINEN-FIX, you can count the customers rejecting our tool on one hand. Small repairs are conveniently done in our in-house workshop.

highly economic


Bakerys and confectioneries face a major problem: if they want their business to profit, they need to grow. But the general skills shortage limits growth, especially concerning small businesses. As a result, these businesses are forced to find a lucrative market gap. PRALINEN-FIX offers you the opportunity to bridge that gap in the market and on top of that you can work more efficiently: you make more that 100 fillings per minute, you produce a great variety of chocolates and if that wasn't enough you can even appoint semi-skilled workers!


simple and smart


Chocolate factories are characterised by the passion they show while creating delicious treats. With PRALINEN-FIX, the first semi-automatic machine for filling chocolates you can insert all kinds of hollow bodies and therefore apply any filling imagineable. By chancing the container with the filling during the working process you can determine the amount of chocolates you want to produce without any extra work.


bayer Feinwerk GmbH & Co.KG  |  Max-Planck-Straße 49  |  78052 VS-Villingen  |  Telefon: 07721 9506-0  |  64KFjYSriYqSjpnGjY6ChZyOmYDFj44@nospam